Wednesday, December 3

the Power of E-Mail and E-Mail Marketing

It seems many businesses have turned to e-mail as a means to tackle today's marketing challenges by creating long-term relationships with their customers via e-mail marketing/newsletters. "E-Mail marketing has become the cornerstone of relationships," says Stephen Dietrich, president of Neoplane Inc. "Its a way to expand the dialogue, sustain the conversation, and engage in a true customer journey."

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) expects there will be an increase in e-mail marketing by end of 2008. This is to say that many businesses are investing into e-mail marketing/newsletters. I for one can attest to this notion as I am sure you can to. Just thinking of how many times I've opened my inbox and seen newsletters/e-mails and promotional info from everyone and anyone on and off the web? Many of which I find to be helpful and interesting and then there are those that mean nothing and are just a big waste of space. Though with my newest boutique Handcrafted by LaMar , I do send newsletters to all prior and current customers to promote sales. I later found out that that could be a mistake in my attempt to grow sales, awareness/exposure and can be a sure way to be rejected.

A research indicates that e-mail marketing will grow by 75% in the coming year. Businesses often now send out newsletters to build a loyal following instead of an immediate response. In other words they create a buzz over a period of time of their product/service to get people talking...

How do you get e-mail addresses for this?
Well one way is at craft shows, fairs and festivals. I know for myself from the few I have done, I have had many people stop and my table and ask me plenty of questions about my cards and the Diaper Cakes I had on display. Never did I once think to offer more info, tutorials and other SALES or deals by gathering and send out e-mails. This would be a great way to get more exposure, expand and build a following.

The topic here today is not about contacting someone one time about a one day SALE, but about communicating on a continual basis between two people: you and your customer/prospect.

A key thing here is knowing when, where and how often. Everyone hates spam mail and no one likes an over crowded inbox. This is maybe the biggest challenge and pitfall in the whole scheme of things here with e-mail marketing/newsletters. As mentioned in The Advertiser, "another problem is the ever changing rules and regulations to e-mail campaigning and consumer taste."

Information of this post was gathered by La-Mar D Lynch
from The Advertiser "The Evolution of E-Mail" written by Ellen Neuborne


esque said...

Great post! I've been thinking of making newsletters part of my business too as part of my 2009 resolutions!

[] said...

Very informative! I've been growing my email list slowly and steadily.
I send out a weekly update that features my newest blog post and any sales or new product.