Wednesday, April 22

Web 2.0-Social Networking

Sites such as LinkedIn , Facebook, MySpace and Twitter
are popular social networking sites that allow users the opportunity to become members of like-minded, communities that can relay messages, pictures and sound with ease and speed.
Before you jump right in you should always do your research and be sure these sites work for you and your business. There may be other sites more relevant to your business. There are social networks for people over 60, booklovers and diabetics.

People are sensitive to over marketing...too much selling and promoting. So as with the Blogging Edition, your efforts have to be unique and engaging.

Advertising on social networks is still a new thing but many have been doing it. Many offer low entry price with the opportunity of selective niche communication. 'Social Ads', as many call them, could be great starting place for you to test your online marketing.

You can find me on the Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn as well, come visit me sometime...

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